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EU Messes up in Balkan Gas Geopolitics

In their determination to bypass their dependency on Russian natural gas, the bureaucrats of Brussels have approved construction of a trans-Adriatic gas pipeline from Azerbaijan to Greece. It looks workable on paper. There's only one problem...

F. William Engdahl

Brussels Attack: The True Implications of ISIS Links

Just days after arresting French-born Belgium national  and terror suspect Salah Abdeslam in Brussels, a coordinated terror attack unfolded in the very same city, killing at least 28, and injuring many more. NBC News has already announced...

Tony Cartalucci

Washington, Kiss Your Silly Missile Defense Goodbye

Americans rarely excell at the game of chess in the manner that many Russians do. The last great world-class chess master from the United States was Bobby Fischer whose zenith was reached in 1971. Mostly, over the past several decades, Washington...

F. William Engdahl