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Warning Signs: A Contrived Macedonian Revolution on Tap

Skopje, Macedonia is in upheaval, the latest target for crisis management, and regime change in Europe. Thousands have taken to the streets in dissent over President Gjorge Ivanov’s recent pardons for some officials. As we’ve seen in Ukraine...

Phil Butler

The Illusion of Balkan Energy Security

Since strong pressure on the Bulgarian government back in 2014 caused her to stop construction of the Russian gas pipeline, South Stream, that was to have supplied Russian gas to the Balkans and on to Austria and Italy, Brussels has argued that...

F. William Engdahl

Now Russia Makes an Organic Revolution

As if it were not enough that Vladimir Putin's Russia makes a monkey out of the US "anti-ISIS" campaign in Syria by accomplishing more in six months to damage the terrorist advance in that country than the Pentagon managed, with its suspiciously...

F. William Engdahl