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The Upcoming Balkan Explosion

The Balkans have, for centuries, been a tinderbox. In August 1914, it was the Balkans and a cascade of happenstance events that sent the world to what was imagined then to be the most devastating war possible. That war was the result of...

Gordon Duff

V-E Day Coverage Reveals Western Ignorance

If RT’s coverage of the 71st anniversary of the end of World War II in Moscow shows anything beyond tens of thousands marching enthusiastically, it’s the abysmal ignorance of the American people vis a vis a major 20th century event. RT’s...

Deena Stryker

The USA: How To Make Them Give A Damn?

In a report published in the American journal, National Security News, on May 9th, the day of the celebration of the victory of Soviet and allied forces over the fascist forces in1945, it was stated that, “in terms of the eastern threat-which...

Christopher Black