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EURO 2016 - The Mirror of the Politicized World We Live In

There’s little doubt that hooligans do little to make a sport event any more interesting, in fact they shame all the fans of the national team they choose to fight for. It is sad to note that the start of the 2016 UEFA...

Martin Berger

What If Vladimir Putin Does Know a “Third Way” for Society?

Vladimir Putin saved Russia from the scavengers of the Yeltsin era. What’s more, he’s fundamentally re-forming the world’s biggest country in ways few understand. Unfortunately, most of this select group are bitter enemies of...

Phil Butler

Foolish Greece Now Joins NATO Gas War

Only eighteen months ago prospects for a major southern Europe natural gas pipeline from Russian gas fields across the Black Sea, into Turkey and on to the Greek-Turkish border was in negotiation between Russian President Putin and Turkey's Erdogan...

F. William Engdahl