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The World Turns: Columbus, Luther and Putin

Five centuries ago, the age of the West was born when an Italian nerd went looking for the Orient across the Atlantic, bumping into America. Notwithstanding its internal conflicts, the Old World initiated wars of discovery and...

Deena Stryker

Where Should All the Refugees Go?

It's been reported that in 2014 a total of 600 thousand refugees applied for asylum in the EU, which constitutes a total of 0.1% of the European population. In 2015, those petitions were signed by a total of 1.294 million people...

Martin Berger

Alienation Between the West and the Muslim World on the Rise

It would seem logical that those who have seen it on TV, as well as eye-witnesses couldn’t be more unpleasantly surprised by the absurdity and obscenity of the situation. On a beach of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea – the cradle...

Veniamin Popov