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UK "Attempts" to Stop War on Yemen are Somewhat Derailed by its Arms Supplies

One would have a hard time trying to remember when the situation in the Middle East was even remotely stable. As the interests of various states get knotted up in this region, perhaps, some of them are trying...

Jean Perier

Europe Beware: Russian Slavers On the March!

The headline read “Lithuania issues updated Russian invasion advice booklets”. This author’s thoughts immediately returned to a “duck and cover” film they showed us in El Paso, Texas when I was in the 2nd grade. These pesky...

Phil Butler

When Russia Threatens by Sea – Maybe Intelligence Can Prevail?

Hysterics are the western leadership’s most effective weapons against imaginary Russian foes. Or are imaginary Russian foes the cause of idiotic hysterics by western leaders? Whatever the case, it’s easy to get confused these days...

Phil Butler