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South Korea

Case of Ko Hyon-chol and Other Unsavory Tales of Sexual Abuse in South Korea

Once the story criticizing a report on mass-rape in DPRK was published, its author has faced with a fierce backlash. Many people were unwilling to believe that by “presenting notorious stories not as exceptions but as examples of daily tactics, and by then employing a similar…

Konstantin Asmolov

Moon Jae-in Continues to “Clean House”

Only recently we have published an article describing how Moon Jae-in is strengthening his position of power via a large-scale “clean-up”, and yet one scandal follows after another. For instance, the act of reforming the police force, sub-divided into the local branch (which will be...

Konstantin Asmolov

On Status of Military Ties between US and South Korea

Having written about implementing the inter-Korean summit agreements on military aspects, we will now wait and see what effect this will have on the military cooperation between South Korea and the USA, either when it comes to staging joint military drills or reaching a new...

Konstantin Asmolov