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South Korea

Will South Korea become a Haven for American Intermediate-range Missiles?

Since 2017, South Korea has been a home for the American anti-ballistic missile defense system, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD, which was installed in Seongju, 300 kilometers southeast of Seoul, despite strong protests from China and North Korea. As an integral part of America’s anti-ballistic missile defense system...

Konstantin Asmolov

How “Human Rights Advocates” Capitalize on the Tragedy of “Comfort Women”

This author has already touched upon the topic of “comfort women” and how NGOs feed off this topic several times, conjecturing how these organizations are more concerned about looking after their own benefit then resolving the problem, since once the issue has been settled for good the opportunity will vanish for them...

Konstantin Asmolov

US-South Korea Dispute over Defense Costs Still Hitting a Dead End

Our last piece on the US-South Korea military cost-sharing agreement known as the Special Measures Agreement (SMA was published two months ago, yet no progress has since been made. To briefly provide some background information, South Korea has been partially covering the cost of hosting American troops since...

Konstantin Asmolov