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South Korea

Hate Speech on China

In previous texts, we have mentioned a strong anti-Chinese trend in contemporary South Korean propaganda, especially coming from “social organizations” that portray the full-time Voice of the People. At the same time, the propaganda aims to foster domestic disgust toward the Chinese, and any attempt to show something Chinese positively becomes an occasion for public criticism. The most...

Konstantin Asmolov

Yet Another Story Involving Rape and Suicide in the South Korean Army

After one well-known story about “mass rapes in the DPRK Army,” the author is trying to keep track of how a similar situation looks occurring in the South Korean Army, and thankfully when describing that he does not have to solely rely on the tearful and unreliable stories told by defectors, but on more valid sources. Scandals related...

Konstantin Asmolov

The Problem of Propaganda Leaflets: US Concerns and New Provocations

The author has repeatedly pointed out that one of the serious factors destabilizing inter-Korean relations is the activities of anti-North Korean NGOs that send obscene and inappropriate leaflets across the border. This is mostly done by the “Fighters for a Free North Korea,” led by the controversial defector Park Sang-Hak. Following the events...

Konstantin Asmolov