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Government shutdown and Chinese gold

“The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity”...William Butler Yeats, from his poem The Second Coming. Yeats certainly caught the essence of the American political folly that has been on stage for the past two weeks. I was going to write this column two days...

Jim Dean

The US’ “Asia Pivot” and Containment of China

The US’ “Asia Pivot” policy, announced in June 2012, has since been heralded as a ‘new’ cold war in a new disguise against a newly emerging strategic competitor—China. Some analysts have even gone to the extent of tracing seeds of a major armed conflict in the Far East between the US...
Salman Rafi Sheikh

China and Russia’s Eurasian Plans. Part 2

We should add one more important dimension to the character of Chinese expansion in Central Asia. It began with and still continues the export of labour-intensive products, which often hinders the development of the region’s manufacturing industry and its integrated... 

Nelly Semenova