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Ecological Aspect of the Conflict in the South China Sea

The territorial conflict in the South China Sea, smouldering for several decades already, has suddenly gained a new meaning: ecological. That is attributed to the China constructing artificial islands. From the point of the Philippines, this...

Natalia Rogozhina

China to sell submarines to Pakistan

In the complicated geopolitical game unfolding currently in the “expanded” Asia-Pacific region, the primary focus is on Eastern Asia, which is quite reasonable. Tensions have been escalating and now cover the entire subregion which...

Vladimir Terehov

A New Chinese "Tea Empire" on the Silk Road

It is on China's agenda to establish a "Tea Empire" in the Russian Federation in the near future, particularly, in the area encompassed by the infrastructure project, the "Silk Road Economic Belt." The future "Tea Empire" will stretch from Chinese city of...

Sofia Pale