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Regarding the US Senate delegation’s trip to China

Regarding the US Senate delegation’s trip to China

The bipartisan US Senate delegation’s four-day trip to the People’s Republic of China, which started on October 7 with a landing at Shanghai airport and ended with a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, is an occasion worth noting. Both in terms of the interactions between the two major international powers and, therefore, in international politics. Let us have a look at a few difficulties that are related to this occurrence. China was not the only country the delegation visited while traveling abroad, but it was the first and clearly the most significant. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the Senate delegation’s discussions with the Chinese leader, as well as prior…

Vladimir Terehov

Latest News On Tourism to China

On March 15, China resumed issuing all types of visas to foreigners at its consulates around the world. Six months have passed. Does this mean that Russian tourists wishing to travel to China have been given the green light? Will the opening of the cable car between Russia and China affect the increase in tourist flow in both directions? What are the best places to visit in China in October and November? Maya Kotlyar, founder and head of the MAYEL Travel agency, one of the most cited public experts in tourism, answers these and other questions…

Yuliya Novitskaya

China’s new standard maps ruffle feathers

At the end of August, a seemingly trivial and commonplace incident was immediately met with suspicion by a number of countries in the Indo-Pacific region, which is literally awash with problems of all kinds. The incident in question was the publication by the PRC’s State Cartographic Service of a set of “standard maps,” which showed both its own and other countries’ borders. It should be noted at once that these maps do not add in any way to the list of territories already claimed by the PRC, and whose possession has been the subject of disputes between Beijing…

Vladimir Terehov