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Is Canada Huawei Arrest Attempt to Sabotage Trump Xi Talks?

The arrest of the CFO of the China’s largest telecoms equipment company, Huawei, carries hallmarks of deep state or behind-the-scenes sabotage designed to rupture recent progress between US President Trump and China President Xi Jinping on strategic issues. Here are…
F. William Engdahl

Why Does China Love Electric Cars? Beijing, Washington & The Fall of Rome

The numbers speak for themselves. 746,000 New Energy passenger cars were sold in China between January and October. By the end of 2018, all buses and taxis in the vital tech hub city of Shenzen will be electric. The central borough of the city of Dalian...

Caleb Maupin

Talks on the Sidelines of the G-20 Summit

From the point of view of developments in the “game” of global politics, the most interesting thing about the recent Group of Twenty (G-20 summit, held in Buenos Aires from November 30- December 1, was not so much the forum itself, but the moves made by the main participants on the sidelines of the event. These moves were made in...

Vladimir Terehov