30.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

For more than thirty years, China’s foreign policy activity in each new year has invariably begun with a tour of a number of African countries by the Chinese Foreign Minister. The increasing importance of the continent as part of the so-called “Global South” and for the main participants in the “Great World Game” has become a commonplace in texts devoted to analysing the processes taking place in the world today…

23.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

Earlier, the NEO discussed the forecasts by representatives of Chinese academia of a possible scenario for the development of relations in 2024 between the two current leading world powers, i.e. the United States and China, which were presented by the Global Times at the end of last year. We would like to emphasise once again that the nature of changes on the table of the “Great World Game” as a whole will depend on this scenario. The results of the work carried out by the newspaper’s editorial staff were expressed in two words: “stabilisation” and “uneven”. These are responsible words…

12.01.2024 Abbas Hashemite

Taiwan is one of the states that are going to hold presidential elections on 13th January 2024. Taiwan is one of the most contentious issues between China and the United States. The island was ruled by Japan for almost 50 years. However, it was handed over to the Chinese Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek in 1949. After Mao Zedong’s victory over the mainland, the Kuomintang, the Nationalists, relocated to the island. Since then, this island has been a matter of contention between China and the United States…

22.12.2023 Vladimir Terehov

On December 12-13, Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Vietnam. This has been his third such visit since he’s been holding China’s highest party and state positions (since around 2012-2013), and the first in six years. That is, the head of the second world power does not visit its southern neighbor too often (to put it politely), even though the two countries sharing a 1,000-km border. And despite the fact that the Vietnamese leadership (mainly members of the Communist party) make regular visits to Beijing. The difference in the frequency of mutual “courtesies” is due…

19.12.2023 Vladimir Terehov

Thus, the 24th “China-EU Summit” was held in Beijing on 7 December of this year, although two weeks earlier there was no absolute certainty that it would be held at all. Particularly, there was no sign of any work on a draft of a joint document, which is usually adopted at the end of such events. This reflects the increasing complexity of all aspects of China–European Union relations in recent years. Therefore, we should note at once that the fact of holding this event is practically its only positive result. Coincidentally, the same was said in the NEO regarding the results of the US-China summit held three weeks earlier in San Francisco…

10.12.2023 Vladimir Terehov

Before the EU and China summit…

21.11.2023 Vladimir Terehov

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid a visit to the United States from October 26 to October 28, 2023. His delegation had discussions with their American counterparts, led by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Additionally, President Biden and Wang Yi had a special guest meeting. This has grown to be an extremely significant occasion. Among other things, this indicates that the two superpowers intend to maintain bilateral channels of communication to express their respective opinions on issues pertaining to Beijing-Washington…

17.11.2023 Bakhtiar Urusov

US authorities see them as “vehicles of the Chinese Communist Party’s global propaganda and malign influence.” The U.S. Government Accountability Office has put a big fly in the ointment of bilateral US-China relations ahead of the planned meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the November APEC summit in San Francisco. According to the agency, the number of Confucius Institutes operating in the United States and promoting Chinese language and culture has decreased significantly over the past four years, from 96 to 5. According to a report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office…

10.11.2023 Vladimir Terehov

On November 1-2, the Bletchley Park mansion, located 80 km from the British capital, hosted a forum dedicated to the problems arising in connection with the widespread use of “artificial intelligence” systems in almost all spheres of human activity. We will omit here the question regarding the correctness of the name of these “intelligence” category systems, which in itself is highly debatable. Although the organizers of this Forum called it “AI (Artificial Intelligence – ed.) Safety Summit”, only UK Prime Minister R. Sunak, U.S. Vice President K. Harris, UN Secretary-General…

27.10.2023 Phil Butler

The U.S., the EU, and NATO are freaking out over Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s recent meeting with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s President Xi Jinping in Beijing. Orban is the first EU leader to hold personal talks with Putin since the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a ludicrous arrest warrant for the Russian presenting. Hungary is also one of the few European countries that has not knuckled under U.S. pressure to condemn Russia for the special military operation in Ukraine. U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman said was cited staying, “The United States is concerned about Hungary’s relationship with Russia.”…

23.10.2023 Vladimir Terehov

On 17 October, the 3rd Forum was held in Beijing, where the results of the ten-year implementation of the global Belt and Road Initiative project were summed up, and ways of its further development were outlined. The special significance of this grandiose international event was given by the large-scale representation of other states at it. This allowed the countries to discuss some important aspects of the difficult international situation, as well as bilateral relations. As, however, it has been happening in recent years at other international venues. In this regard, the three-hour meeting of the Presidents of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation…

20.10.2023 Vladimir Terehov
Regarding the US Senate delegation’s trip to China

The bipartisan US Senate delegation’s four-day trip to the People’s Republic of China, which started on October 7 with a landing at Shanghai airport and ended with a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, is an occasion worth noting. Both in terms of the interactions between the two major international powers and, therefore, in international politics. Let us have a look at a few difficulties that are related to this occurrence. China was not the only country the delegation visited while traveling abroad, but it was the first and clearly the most significant. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the Senate delegation’s discussions with the Chinese leader, as well as prior…