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Hong Kong — Pure Western Insanity

The impunity with which the US aggresses Hong Kong is insane. Equally or more insane is western media coverage of what is going on in Hong Kong. Not one word on how the incredible “pro-democracy” vote of the rather unimportant District Council Elections was achieved. Of the 18 District Councils, 452 of 479 seats (71% went to “pro-democracy” candidates. Such an extreme...

Peter Koenig

Hong Kong is Now a ‘Tale of Two Cities’

Before today’s election, Hong Kong had dropped out of the frontpage news while the city took a deep breath without any tear gas in the air, and both sides seem to have worked together to have smooth elections. Even Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s CEO, when asked what she thought about the election prospects said that she “hoped elections could continue...

Jim Dean

Latest Negotiations on Issues of Trade between USA and PRC

From 10 to 11 October, the 13th round of negotiations on issues currently plaguing the bilateral trade and economic ties between the United States and China took place in Washington. The Chinese delegation was headed by Liu He, the Vice-Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China and a current member...

Vladimir Terehov