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Attacks Against China over SARS-COV-2 are Intensifying

Unfortunately, the author’s hopes that attempts to seek monetary compensation from China for its alleged role in the SARS-COV-2 pandemic would involve individuals rather than countries (and their nation-wide policies, first and foremost the United States, have been dashed. On 6 April, Lindsey Graham, an influential Republican senator, stated China needed...

Vladimir Terehov

Russia and China Provide an Opportunity for a Different Future

The victorious allied countries from World War 2 recently celebrated the 75th anniversary of the conclusion of fighting in Europe when Germany surrendered. The Asian phase of the war was to continue for a further three months until the United States nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (using two different types of nuclear...

James ONeill

What does the Future Hold for China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

The world has become all jumbled under the eruption of the coronavirus pandemic. Borders are being closed. National currencies are crashing. Airline flights are being cancelled between countries and regions, as well as domestic auto and rail connections. By and large, people have “fled” to quarantine and self-isolation. It’s too early to speak...

Nina Lebedeva