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China‘s Growing Agriculture Crisis

For the past months the Peoples’ Republic of China has been subject to one after the other devastating shocks to its agriculture sector. A deadly outbreak of African Swine Fever that halved China’s huge pig herds in 2019, was followed by infestation from a plague of fall armyworms (FAW which reached China in December, 2018 and now threaten China’s corn belt...

F. William Engdahl

No Sunny Weather on the Horizon for US-China Relations

NEO is constantly monitoring the timeline of events in deteriorating relations between the world’s two largest economic powers, yet one always hopes that there will be at least a little good news to tell readers about this time. Thus far, the bilateral trade agreement signed on January 15 this year remains almost the only glimmer of light that has trickled through...

Vladimir Terehov

US Smears Those Questioning Latest Claims vs. China

The Coda Story - a media front funded and created by and for the US government, its "Atlanticist" partners, and the corporate interests driving the vast majority of Western foreign policy - recently ran a smear against alternative media figures questioning the US-led "Uyghur-Xinjiang" narrative. The smear is part of a wider campaign aimed at anyone questioning...

Tony Cartalucci