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Biden is Trying to Make an Anti-Chinese Stand on the Olympics

China will host the XXIV Olympic Winter Games, from 4 to 20 February 2022. Beijing became the first city in history to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics. The competitions will be held at the new facilities and the existing arenas built for the 2008 Summer Olympics. The official Olympic mascot will be a giant panda named...

Vladimir Odintsov

More Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

In another chronicle of current events related to the Taiwan issue, it bears drawing the reader’s attention to those that followed the November 16 US-China video summit. One of the main topics discussed there was the mentioned problem precisely. Judging by the official statement of the more than three-hour conversation, the positions of the sides on major issues...

Vladimir Terehov

On the Virtual Meeting between the US and China

One of the major events of current world politics was the November 16 virtual meeting of the two leading world powers, the USA and China. It lasted three and a half hours and went beyond the scheduled time. This fact along with the content of the issues discussed and the parties’ positions on them as outlined by the White House served as a basis for the Chinese Global Times...

Vladimir Terehov