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The Exposure of Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan Raises Questions the Politicians are Still Reluctant to Face

A report issued this week after a four-year investigation into alleged war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan has promoted a degree of outrage previously unknown with regard to the alleged conduct of Australian army personnel. While the public outrage is welcomed, it has completely avoided more...

James ONeill

Biden may take Afghanistan War Back to the Square One

While the US president, fulfilling yet another of his promises, has announced to reduce troops in Afghanistan, bringing the total number to 2500 only, it doesn’t mean that the war in Afghanistan is going to end before he leaves the White House. What we see, however, is only a temporary drawdown by an out-going president, eager to reinforce his image...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Afghanistan’s Fate Decided by Narcotics, Not Politics

Today, sources in Afghanistan have confirmed a “fact” that runs totally against what is reported, that a prominent CIA officer rumored to have died in a plane crash, is being held by Pakistan’s ISI. The individual involved, Mike D’Andre, according to sources, is responsible for the murder of General Soleimani, an Iranian diplomat, and of hundreds of Iraqis as well...

Gordon Duff