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Another day, Another Bunch of Civilians Dying under American Bombs

There seems to be no logical explanation for the fact that time after time again one comes across reports of US-led coalitions dropping ordinance upon the heads of innocent people, instead of specifically targeting militants and...

Martin Berger

Lapis Lazuli Corridor Leads Afghanistan Towards Eurasian Integration

One of the most crucial goals that leading Eurasian nations are striving for is economic and transport integration in their continent. Schemes such as One Belt, One Road Initiative (OBOR and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU or EAEU...

Dmitry Bokarev

RECCA Is a Path to Stability for Afghanistan

For many years now the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has been the hotbed of instability in the entire Central Asia. A substantial portion of the country is controlled by terrorist groups, which continue on their path of destruction not only through Afghanistan but also beyond by...

Dmitry Bokarev