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Soros & the NGOs: Tearing Real Georgian Freedom Asunder

George Soros is a very successful man, at least where money and power are concerned. The reach of the hedge fund legend through his Open Society Foundations leverages governments and ideas across the breadth of 40 nations now. Here is a look at...

Phil Butler

Pornhub with Notable Female Politicians Goes Viral in Georgia

The latest political scandal to hit Georgia tells us a lot about life in developing countries allied with the US. A lot of senior politicians are implicated in it. But the question being asked is not, “Who did what to whom?” but...

Henry Kamens

Georgia Trafficks Weapons, and I Have the Documents, Claims Former Georgian Colonel

All governments are corrupt and to many, corruption is endemic to their function. Sadly, Georgia may well fall into this group. However, given Georgia’s strategic position, wars and...

Henry Kamens