16.02.2023 Henry Kamens

Lots of things are going on now in the nexus between Georgia and Ukraine. Different camps are being organised, as if sides are lining up for a tug-of-war over Georgia having friendly relations with both Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The US government and some opposition parties don’t want Georgia and Russia to resume flights, and the US State Department…

01.02.2023 Henry Kamens

Mass shootings are mostly a Western thing, and most commonly American, where with distressing frequency a new shooter brings about carnage and raises calls to ban assault weapons. But the same is now happening in places such as Georgia, which is paying the price for trying to improve its lot by being uncritical US ally...

26.01.2023 Seth Ferris

You would imagine the Russia-Ukraine conflict to be a political dispute. News coverage focuses on the political claims of both sides, and the military operations and economic and political sanctions resulting from these. But it is becoming ever more obvious that this is actually the Forth Crusade reborn. Under the radar, efforts are being made to divide Orthodoxy...

09.01.2023 Henry Kamens

Reports of Georgian soldiers dying in the fight for Ukraine’s independence are at first impression heartwarming, at least for the naïve. BUT when you dig deeper into this story, you soon realise that their plight is of their own choice, and motivated by financial considerations, not solidarity or standing up for a fledgling democracy...

28.09.2022 Vladimir Platov

The wave of criticism of US Ambassador Kelly Degnan’s activities has recently swept Georgia and gained critical momentum, along with the criticism of US policy in the country in general. In an interview to the Public TV - First Channel, chairman of the ruling Georgian Dream coalition Irakli Kobakhidze called...

26.08.2022 Henry Kamens

The propaganda machine in the US is fueled by the ignorance of the American public, who still believe, with hand on heart, that the US government is on their side and motivated by altruism. However, the rest of the world is not so naïve, as more and more countries are waking up to the fallout of US policy. I just wonder how long the conflict in Ukraine can last...

28.01.2022 Henry Kamens

Yet another new political party, the Conservative Movement, has now been founded in Georgia. Usually these parties are personal vehicles for one person, and vanish when their grievances do. This one however has a more unusual provenance, which seems to causing undue concern. The Conservatives began life as an alternative...

16.11.2021 Vladimir Platov

As planned by the West, the internal political crisis in this country and the crisis in Georgia’s relations with the European Union and the United States only intensified with the return of Mikheil Saakashvili to his homeland. The EU has been trying to return Georgia to the path of democracy for over a year now. Even before his return...

08.11.2021 Vladimir Platov

As you know, Georgia is in a major political crisis, and its acute phase has lasted for more than a year now. The government accuses its opponents of preparing a political coup, while the United National Movement (UNM), the pro-Western coalition of former president Mikheil Saakashvili’s opposition to the current government, orchestrated by Washington, works hard...

03.11.2021 Henry Kamens

Now the votes are counted in the Georgian municipal elections there are no surprises, and the reactions are what you would have expected. Georgians didn’t have much of a real choice between the two main political parties on Election Day, or during the runoff held on October 30. Those who came out to cast their ballots held their noses and voted...

06.10.2021 Vladimir Platov

Mikheil Saakashvili's theatrical return after eight years in exile and flight from Georgia, where he has been convicted twice for various criminal offences, has attracted increased attention not only in this Caucasus country. The very moment of his appearance in Georgia - on the eve of the local elections in which more than 40 political parties will participate, as well as the arrest...

08.06.2021 Vladimir Odintsov

Two years ago, former Georgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze, during the August 12, 2019 celebration of the Georgian holiday of Didgoroba, thundered to all in attendance that “the Battle of Didgoroba continues for every one of the Georgians.” To make these words clear to everyone, we recall 1121, when the King...