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India: Tractors at the Republic Day Parade?

“Republic Day” is one of the three national holidays celebrated annually in India on January 26, marking the enactment of the country’s Constitution on that day in 1950. Not to be confused with another holiday, “Independence Day,” which is also celebrated annually, but on August 15 on the occasion of the enactment of the “Indian Independence Act”, passed...

Vladimir Terehov

On Indo-Pacific Cooperation Between India and Great Britain

In mid-December, the political and geographical category “Indo-Pacific Region” was discussed twice and in different aspects by Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, who drew on well-known facts in order, first, to emphasize the importance of this particular region in the current stage of the “Great World Game” and, second, to mark the increasing...

Vladimir Terehov

The Future of Economic Cooperation between Russia and India as Pandemic Continues to Abate

It is a well known fact that the COVID-19 pandemic, which began at the end of 2019, has resulted in a global economic downturn and a fall in trade between nations, including the Russian Federation and India. The two countries have been partners for a long time. Economic ties, in strategic spheres...

Dmitry Bokarev