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The Israeli-Indian Arms Deal

With Covid-19 dominating everyone's thoughts and actions, it is also dominating the news media. At first glance, this would seem obvious. But is it? Clearly people need to be updated with the latest information about this killer virus, particularly when governments are trying to wreck lives and economies over it, and blaming their citizens for breathing rather than their own lack of preparation. But...

Seth Ferris

On Riots in Delhi

Since 24 February this year, a series of riots have taken place in the course of several days in the northeastern part of Delhi, the capital of India. The scale and consequences of these riots (47 dead, hundreds of wounded, 1,500 people detained by the police, financial losses already give reason to compare them with earlier events, the main participants of which were also Hindus and Muslims...

Vladimir Terehov

Trump-Modi Bonhomie: Mostly Showmanship, Little Action!

President Donald Trump’s visit to India on February 24—the eighth of any US president—is being lauded by India’s domestic media as the greatest ever. This may be an exaggeration, but it did produce a series of arms deals and co-operation agreements in nuclear and conventional energy. What was missing however was any large or transformative agreement...

Henry Kamens