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India and Japan hold a 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue What this means for the situation in the region as a whole

In a remarkable development in the Indo-Pacific political puzzle, on August 20 this year Japan and India held a 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in New Delhi in which the foreign and defense ministers of both countries took part. It was the third meeting of its kind, the first of which took place in New Delhi in November 2019. The original decision to create this bilateral platform was taken following a series of reciprocal visits by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart at the time, Shinzo Abe.


Vladimir Terehov

India's geoeconomic and geopolitical approach in Armenia, perspective

India has had a historical and civilizational relationship with the South Caucasus for more than several millennia. In 1992, India recognized the independence of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the last decade, bilateral relations between the countries of Armenia and India…

Farzad Bonesh

The first foreign policy moves of India’s new government

Following India’s general elections in April-May, a new government led by the incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi was formed in early June. The first days India’s “new” government have been marked by a number of notable foreign policy developments.

Vladimir Terehov