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CICA on course to the establishment of the Asian Union

The sixth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) - an international forum uniting the states of the Asian continent with the mission of strengthening relations to ensure stability and security in the region - has ended in Astana. Official representatives of more than 30 states of the Asian...

Vladimir Odintsov

Response to Western Gas Terrorism

At the recent Russian Energy Week (REW) forum, Russian leader Vladimir Putin made it clear that there is no doubt today that the Nord Stream incident is an act of international terrorism in its newest form. The aim of the attack was to undermine the energy security of the entire continent, cynically blocking the access to cheap Russian energy for the people...

Vladimir Odintsov

DPRK exercises: Pyongyang has revealed its cards and the dangerous line is half a step closer

Since the publication of the visit of the US carrier group to the ROK, the vicious circle of tensions has taken another turn or two. The previous digest was ended with Pyongyang launching two short-range ballistic missiles on October 6, while 8 North Korean fighter jets and 4 bombers flew near the line...

Konstantin Asmolov