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Resolving the Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan conflict and strengthening the two countries’ armed forces

The unstable situation in Afghanistan, the aftermath of the January events in Kazakhstan and the armed conflicts between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan make the Central Asian region prone to risks of destabilization. And some of the most vulnerable states in Central Asia (CA) in terms of instability...

Valery Kulikov

Exchange of fire in the Yellow Sea

On October 24, 2022 the armed forces of North and South Korea both announced that they had fired warning shots after a North Korean ship crossed the Northern Limit Line (NLL) in the Yellow Sea, the de facto maritime border between the two countries. According to South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, a North Korean merchant vessel, the Mupho-ho crossed the NLL 27 km...


Konstantin Asmolov

Pakistan’s domestic turbulence raises question about the reliability of storing its nuclear arsenal

The rapidly evolving situation around Pakistan does not allow attention to be diverted to developments in other equally important areas of the Indo-Pacific region. It should be recalled that it is a country with a very mixed (mostly in ethnic terms) population of around 220 million people that possesses...

Vladimir Terehov