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The thirteenth parade, a solid-fuel rocket and the daughter of the Leader of the DPRK at the podium

A military parade commemorating the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Korean People's Army was staged in Pyongyang, Kim Il-sung Square, on the night of February 8 to 9. It was a large colorful celebration with fireworks and an air display, attended by specialists from across the world in anticipation...

Konstantin Asmolov

The Geopolitics of the “Balloon Affair”

On February 4, a US fighter jet “safely” shot down a Chinese “surveillance balloon” off the coast of South Carolina. The balloon, according to US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, was being used by China for the purpose of spying on “strategic sites in the continental United States.” Lloyd also emphasised that the decision to shoot down the Chinese...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

As a result of the selfish policies of the West, the Arab world is growing increasingly poorer

Most food products around the world are now significantly more expensive. The Food and Agriculture Organization, which tracks changes in the prices of the most popular food commodities around the world, predicts that the Food Price Index will rise an average of 143.7 points in 2022, up 14.3% from 2021 and the highest since 1990...

Viktor Mikhin