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Turkey: Historic Elections Behind and Historic Choices Ahead

Turkey: Historic Elections Behind and Historic Choices Ahead

Turkey gained its 13th president today, May 29, the day of the 570th anniversary of the Ottoman Empire. In the second round of the presidential election, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan scored a hard-fought victory over his opponent Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, with just over 52 percent. A similar scenario of Erdoğan’s success was noted in expert assessments. Thus, the leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) extended his rule for another five years, which is a historical record for republican Turkey in terms of uninterrupted rule for a quarter of a century. Erdoğan will apparently equal Sultan Osman Ghazi in terms of his period…

Alexandr Svaranc

The US is pulling loyal allies into Asia

Against the backdrop of failed attempts to draw Asian countries into its orbit, Washington decided to enlist the support of old European friends. The French Navy frigate Prairial paid a courtesy visit to Japan from April 20 to April 27. The ship took part in a joint drill to repress unlawful activity at sea before taking the place of honor in the self-defense fleet, headquartered at Yokosuka. The entry was a kind of announcement of a number of other more substantial joint military maneuvers. Rear Admiral Geoffroy d’Andigné, who oversees the campaign, enthusiastically…

Bakhtiar Urusov

Read more about the "lanti-leaflet law" and the activities of Park Sang-hak and Co

After the publication of the piece on “Three Steps closer to the Red Line,” the author was asked to elaborate on the situation pertaining to the anti-leaflet law and the activities of Park Sang-hak and his “Fighters for a Free North Korea. We depicted the biography of Park Sang-hak in our previous article dealing with him, including attempts at terrorist attacks from the territory of the PRC with the help of drones, which he recognized himself, and the fact that, according to defector Hong Gang Chol, in their circle the plan to deliver objects infected with coronavirus…

Konstantin Asmolov