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Erdoğan is pursuing an active policy

Erdoğan is pursuing an active policy

Within the days after the inauguration Turkish President is demonstrating a good and active political shape. Considering the complicated domestic and international agenda Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is forced to undertake intense activities and launch new initiatives which, if implemented, may bring about positive changes in Turkey and beyond. On the domestic front, naturally the main innovation in Turkish political life after the elections was the renewal of government where personnel promotion was based on competence, political reliability and promising age…

Alexandr Svaranc

DPRK satellite launch: a rocky start, but failures happen

The development of the satellite was one of the key weapons projects announced by Kim Jong-un during the congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea in January 2021, along with a solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile (already launched) and a nuclear submarine (not yet seen). Earlier, the DPRK announced the launch of a satellite five times – in 1998, 2009 and 2016 and twice (April and December) in 2012. However, it presumably only managed to put the satellite into orbit in December 2012 and in 2016, and even then, according…

Konstantin Asmolov

Politbarometer 2023 - Shifts in the mood of Mongolian society

In March-April 2023, an annual “Politbarometer” was conducted in Mongolia – a comprehensive survey of public opinion on a variety of issues related to politics, the economy, and the public welfare of the country. In May 2023 the processed results of the survey were posted on the web site of its organizer, Sant Maral. Many milestone events have occurred in Mongolia over the past 12 months: the largest corruption scandal in the country’s history, accompanied by major social unrest; the recovery of coal exports to China; the commissioning of the deep mine at Oyu Tolgoi deposit…

Boris Kushhov