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China hosts “Summer Sessions” of the World Economic Forum

In recent years, many journalists have tended to be skeptical about the role played by the World Economic Forum in driving contemporary global political processes. The WEF is better known by the name of the town that hosts its plenary meetings, Davos, in Switzerland. A few years ago, when “world government” conspiracy theories were popular, the WEF was frequently listed among shadowy and exclusive membership groups as the Bilderberg Group and the Club of Rome which, supposedly, took decisions of major global significance. At this stage, a few observations may be in order. First of all, it is true that the real global powers in today’s world are losing interest in the Davos Forum. In the author’s view, this interest peaked at the January 2017 meeting of the WEF, at which the Chinese leader Xi Jinping was the chief guest…

Vladimir Terehov

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, “Servant of the People” STANDS up 4-Enemy of the People—Mikheil Saakashvili

Reading the latest news by UN, NED (is banned in Russia) funded Georgian media sites, and the international news, or MSM, about the current medical status of Saakashvili, not to mention his political predicament, is comparable to a Red Cross report describing the harsh and brutal conditions in Nazi Concentration Camps. However, those in Georgia, even those in diplomatic circles, know that most of what is being reported is self-inflicted and manufactured, and therefore utterly false. The Western media write as if they are clueless of the history of Saakashvili, as if he is without sin and simply an innocent political victim…

Henry Kamens

Israel, After All, Fears Iran...

Israeli experts, including former Israeli Ambassador to Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova Zvi Magen, point out once more that Tel Aviv and Moscow share a mutual understanding regarding the inadmissible Israeli arms transfers to the Kiev regime to use against the Russian Armed Forces in the future. It is well known that the Ukrainian authorities, through their numerous Jewish representatives, including President Vladimir Zelensky, Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov, and other government officials, have repeatedly and publicly expressed their displeasure with this strategy of official Israel, almost accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of working with the Russian side…

Alexandr Svaranc