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Some Aspects of Current Day US-Chinese Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region

East and South-East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole are moving towards an increasingly evident and dangerous confrontation between the United States on the one hand and China on the other. Both countries aspire to dominance...

Dmitry Mosyakov

China and South-East Asia. Part 3

Threats to regional security China’s offensive policy obviously has a very negative impact on security in the region and, above all, intensifies the US-Chinese rivalry and the arms race in China itself and in the countries adjacent to it. China…
Dmitry Mosyakov

China and South-East Asia. Part 2

The post-colonial period Everything in China’s expansion to the south and south-west changed again after the Second World War and the Europeans’ departure from Southeast Asia, and with the victory of the Chinese Revolution and the founding of the PRC…
Dmitry Mosyakov