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The USA and cyberwars. Part 5

Keith Alexander, head of the USA's Cyber Command, noted a few years ago: "To respond to attacks promptly, we need clear-cut areas of operations and rules of warfare". Indeed, the international law for conventional combat operations, described in the Geneva Conventions, does not reflect the...

Vladimir Platov

America's National Debt: Whose Day of Reckoning Has Come?

In the course of the past few days, the U.S. raised its budget debt ceiling yet again. The government can again start increasing its debt obligations, which, incidentally, do not need any extra stimulation. The world...

Ekaterina Ryzhkova

France and USA: Good Old Frienemies?

The latest events show that despite all the steps that Paris took in order to satisfy all the demands of the “Big Brother” and pledge its allegiance to it's long-time “ally”, Washington keeps on treating France and its people with a certain amount of indulgence...

Vladimir Odintsov