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Kyrgyz Opposition Heading On A Path Toward Revolution

Kyrgyzstan appears to be heading towards a politically charged future. Opponents of President Almazbek Atambayev are accusing him of illegally seizing power. Despite the fact that Kyrgyzstan has been a parliamentary republic for over three years amendments added to the constitution...

Viktoria Panfilova

On the drug situation in Afghanistan

Rapidly degra- ding political and economic situation in Afghanistan has a direct impact on the development of drug trafficking and drug cultivation, and production of hard drugs. Measures taken by the Drug Combating Ministry of IRA as well as the aid provided to the country...

Vladimir Simonov

The Syrian economy is steadily headed for ruin

The decision regarding chemical weapons opens up a certain possibility of normalising the overall situation in Syria. Although, it is still too early to say that Syria has reached the point of no return in regulating the whole issue as the future of the country is still up in the air. On the...

Alexander Filonik