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Alliance of six-pointed star and the crescent: aims and prospects

Experts have long said that behind all the visible and highly mobile alliances of Middle Eastern states there are more stable and active associations of “interests” that do not fit into conventional political logic, but in fact work perfectly. Such an alliance has resulted from a well-hidden...

Pogos Anastasov

US Links to Terrorism: Rubbing Out the Dots Before Someone Connects Them

World leaders are now lining up to condemn the government of Syria, laying at its door the blame for the civil war and insurgency there. All these comments have one simple subtext: if the government is changed, there will be no problem. The question is, what sort...

Henry Kamens

Western two front war on Syria backfires

In a sad irony that comes at the expense of continued killing in Syria, the decision to deploy the Takiri flank to turn the tide after the FSA offensive failed has boomeranged in grand style. The FSA now finds itself confronting the Syrian army and the Jihadi brigades on the offense against...

Jim Dean