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Growth of International Terrorist Threat from Syria

It seems that the international community has finally listened to the warnings voiced by the most sensible of its members and realized that the biggest threat to Europe and the United States comes not from the current regime in Damascus, that they directed considerable...

Vladimir Platov

Implications of CIS Free Trade Zone Expansion in Central Asia

The last week of 2013 saw Uzbekistan - the most populous Central Asian nation - become the latest country to join the CIS free trade zone, a bloc encompassing former Soviet states Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan...

Ian Carver

India-USA: does “strategic partnership” have a future?

An incident with the arrest of Indian diplomat by the U.S. authorities in New York, which occurred on December 12, 2013, and an openly discriminatory treatment of her, has forced India not only to take a series of response measures, in respect of members of the U.S. diplomatic corps in its...

Lagan Charu