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Islamization of the world: reasons and possible consequences

In recent years, political experts and the media have paid much attention to the so-called Islamic factor that objectively plays an increasingly more important role in the political and social life of our civilization. New concepts and terms have become a part of our...

Stanislav Ivanov

The US and the Asia-Pacific: A "pivot-shift" in American foreign policy Part 1

The evolution of the U.S. foreign policy observable in recent years cannot fail to reflect on the character of the new global game that has been unfolding after the conclusion of the previous game, dubbed the "Cold War"...

Vladimir Terehov

The Sunnite axis versus the Shiite arch

The actual failure of the international conference on Syria at Montre and the negotiations between the delegation of Saudi Arabian Republic’s government and the Syrian opposition that followed it, have once more demonstrated the express desire of Saudi Arabia...

Alexander Orlov