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Terrorism threatens to undermine the tourism industry in Egypt

The policy of the Egyptian military leadership, oriented towards full suppression of the Islamist opposition, led by the banned organization Muslim Brotherhood, has had an opposite effect, since it led those, who do not recognize the legitimacy...

Alexander Orlov

Peace for money? Israeli-Palestinian talks remain deadlocked

Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, which have been going on for several months, are at an impasse. In order to unlock the current situation, Martin Indyk, U.S. representative at the talks, said that the United States is going to solve the most difficult problems ...

Alexander Efimov

Water Conflicts in Central Asia and Russia's Position

The inter-state disputes over the nature of trans-boundary water resources, which have not ceased for more than 20 years, represent a threat to the security of Central Asian countries. Yet, all the attempts at international and regional levels to find a way...

Natalia Rogozhina