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Ukraine: Birds of a Feather Flock Together to Destroy “European Values”

About 250 years ago the playwright Samuel Foote was presented at an exclusive London gentlemen’s club. His sponsor introduced him with the words, “This is the nephew of the man who was recently hung in chains for murdering his brother.”

Henry Kamens

U.S. drones – a threat to civilian life

On the same day in April of 2013, when at the Boston Marathon terrorists detonated two bombs that killed three and injured 200 people, 55 people were killed and some 250 were wounded due to Washington’s use of U.S. drones in Iraq (in Kirkut, Tikrit and a few...

Vladimir Platov

Saudi Arabia: cosmetic measures or a change of course?

The beginning of 2014 for Saudi Arabia, according to most experts, will be primarily remembered for major changes in the country’s foreign policy. Perhaps for the first time in the history of the state’s existence, the king and his entourage...

Viktor Mikhin