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Syria: The US Keeps On Losing its Positions

The US and its NATO allies continue to play its ridiculous war games near the Russian western borders, as well as in the Black and Baltic seas, trying to scare Moscow off with a handful of warships, 600 soldiers and six war planes patrolling the Baltic skies...

Viktor Titov

A Major Split within the Pakistani Taliban

Against the backdrop of controversial negotiations on the possible ceasefire and establishment of peace the Federal Government of Pakistan has been holding with the representatives of the Pakistani Taliban, an internecine...

Natalya Zamarayeva

The West's War on Middle East Christians

TIME Magazine's article, "Christians and Tyrants: Why the Middle East's Persecuted Minority is Making Unholy Choices," is an attempt to explain to impressionable Western audiences why Christians (and other minorities have stalwartly backed both the...

Ulson Gunnar