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Egypt turns a new page in history

The May 26-28, 2014 early Presidential elections in Egypt have once again turned the eyes of the global community to this country. It should be noted that the Arab Republic of Egypt is situated in a fairly important geographic location on the border of Europe, Asia and Africa...

Stanislav Ivanov

US Biolabs: A New Smallpox-like disease breaks out in Georgia.

Jeffrey Silverman, an investigative journalist in the Republic of Georgia and US Army veteran, was once stationed at a chemical weapons storage site in the United States, the Bluegrass Army Depot in Richmond, Kentucky, during his service. He has long alleged...

Henry Kamens

Turkey and NATO’s rotational policy on the Black Sea

Due to the current presence of NATO vessels in the Black Sea, especially those from the American navy, Turkey’s role as the controller of straits is becoming increasingly more important because both the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles may play a central...

Andrei Boldyrev