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The ISIS Crisis: Have The Sunnis Unleashed an Uncontrollable Genie?

The sudden, successful attack by the Islamic State Of Iraq and Syria (ISIS caught many states off-guard.  While international attention has been diverted by the situation in the Ukraine, and to a lesser extent by the internal conflict in Syria, the wealthy...

Gwenyth Todd

Syria and the West: elections have passed, problems remain

The results of presidential elections in Syria are, according to many sober-minded politicians, impossible to ignore; and for those who seek a political settlement, they will inevitably have to, sooner or later, recognize their results. The massive participation in the election by...

Viktor Mikhin

War in Iraq: Lessons for Moscow and Tehran

Throughout the 14th and 15th of June there was very conflicting information coming out of Iraq and neighboring countries about how ISIS forces were moving toward Baghdad and how exactly the al-Maliki government could organize the defense of the capital and a counter-offensive...

Petr Lvov