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Where America’s true goals lie in the Middle East

After State Secretary John Kerry’s visit to Iraq, it became crystal clear that Washington does not intend to thrust its armed forces into the present Iraqi conflict and is ready to accept the scenario of the break-up of this country into 3 pieces – Kurdish, Shiite and Sunnite.

Petr Lvov

Iraq: The Strange Partners of Foreign Affairs

Judging by any host of news organizations and commentary shows on television you would think Iraq has already fallen completely into the hands of a radical Islamist terrorist group called ISIS. While it is true the military and strategic gains achieved by the group so far this year...
Matthew Crosston

EU Punishes Thailand for Ousting Mass Murdering Dictator

AFP reported in an article titled, "EU raps Thailand on coup, cuts official contacts," that: European Union foreign ministers on Monday condemned the military takeover in Thailand and agreed punitive measures to back up calls for an urgent return to democratic rule...

Tony Cartalucci