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The political dimensions of the current conflict in Iraq

To the extent that the battle in Iraq continues between the coalition of ISIS and other Sunni militant groups, tribal and political, in addition to former Baathist party members against government forces of the Shiite Prime Minister...

Petr Lvov

Saudi Arabia is fueling the war in Iraq

The louder the al-Maliki government makes claims about the success of his army in repelling the attacks of the ISIS militants and even retaking territory in a number of areas, the worse the situation in Iraq becomes. On June 26, Baghdad reported that in Tikrit, helicopters...

Viktor Titov

The Middle East: A boiling caldron of contradictions

The brilliant ideas of brilliant people survive the centuries and become relevant at the appropriate time for them. Many experts analyzing the current situation in the Middle East, in particular in Iraq, recall the Russian writer, Lev Tolstoy, who once...

Viktor Mikhin