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Georgia: The Switzerland of the Caucasus?

Times may change but some things never do. Whenever a government of a small country has been in power too long, people start discussing its foreign policy orientation. Usually this is a debate about that government, not the actual subject: if you don’t like them...

Henry Kamens

Ahmad Chalabi: The Return Of The "Bad Penny"

An English expression refers to a "bad penny" as someone who keeps turning up and causing trouble no matter how one tries to get rid of them.  Other less delicate idioms that describe such types include "chewing gum on one's shoe" and "unflushable turd"...

Gwenyth Todd

Barack and Shinzo Go To War

9871On July 1st, Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe made a decision to allow the use of its armed forces outside the country. Naturally, East Asian countries are not thrilled by the decision. Almost all of them - China, Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia...

Konstantin Penzev