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GMO Golden Rice: The Scourge of Asia

Asia's dependency on rice cultivation for both subsidence and income is intuitively understood. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO estimates the agricultural population of lowland rice cultivation in Asia to...

Ulson Gunnar

Beware: Israel the Eager Provocateur

With hostilities once again erupting between Israeli forces and Palestine, onlookers must keep in mind the greater agenda in which the current violence is playing out and the stated agenda of achieving hegemony over the Middle East in which Israel plays a pivotal role...

Tony Cartalucci

Mongoliа – Intermediary And Partner Of North Korea

Mongolia was the second country after the USSR to recognize the formation of the North Korean state. Naturally, the Mongolian People’s Republic and North Korea, as organic parts “of the socialist community of nations”, developed multilateral...

Mark Goleman