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Turkey’s Erdogan comes closer to Russia

Turkey’s Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is nothing if not a political survivor. After weathering a US led year-long attempt to oust him for his failure to execute a Turkish military ground war to topple Bashar al Assad in neighboring Syria...

F. William Engdahl

Kurds at forefront in fight against Islamic State

Up until recently remaining neutral to the civil wars in Syria and Iraq, the Kurds, amidst the devastating offensive of the radical group "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (ISIS, have found themselves in the firing line and thus have had to take up arms to fight back...

Stanislav Ivanov

South Caucasus – from tiltyards to cooperation platforms

The South Caucasus is a region of intertwining transport hubs and energy centres, it is a clashing arena of geopolitical interests of the world's top players, it is a region, torn apart by internal contradictions, with a multitude of problems, but it is also a region with...

Yuri Simonyan