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Israel: The Nuclear Mouse that Roared

In the 1954 novel, "The Mouse that Roared" a "fictitious" small east European country captured an American atomic bomb called the Q Bomb and use it to blackmail the US, just like in Tom Clancy's novel, "The Sum Of All Fears". Fact or fiction you decide. Most of modern...

Gordon Duff

Mongolia and Japan: the road to economic partnership

Japan was one of the first great powers to have accepted the Mongolian People's Republic and establish diplomatic relations with it in February 1972. Since then Japanese-Mongolian relations have undergone several stages...

Mark Goleman

No Kim Il-sung image on North Korean 5000 won bill

North Korea hits the headlines yet again in several foreign news outlets. The 5000 won bill design is without the image of Kim Il-sung – the Great Leader, the Eternal President of the Republic and the founder of the Republic. Such developments have...

Konstantin Asmolov