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Yemen: Power has Shifted, What's Next?

At the end of September 2014 Yemen actually underwent a coup when fighters of the Shiite rebel group "Ansar Allah", under the leadership of A. Houthi, got tired of the protracted negotiations with President Hadi and the government of the "Islah"...

Vladimir Simonov

The West is ISIL to E. Ukraine and Syria

The hypocrisy by the media over Obama’s ISIL anti-terrorism campaign has been another Twilight Zone episode into the surreal. The West plays the role of terrorist and anti-terrorist and thinks we don’t know or can even count, but we can. The 200,000 regime-change dead...

Jim Dean

Why Regime Change Won't Stop ISIS in Syria...

Because it didn't stop ISIS terrorists in Iraq or Libya. Try Washington instead. US corporate-financier funded policy think tanks have been taking turns in recent weeks floating the narrative that the next logical step to stopping so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS terrorists...

Tony Cartalucci