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For Ochamchire read Afghanistan: Old Tricks from Old Dogs

Here we go again: the US media is leading the charge to portray the Russian naval base in Ochamchire, Abkhazia, as a threat to the region and possibly the world. We have heard...

Seth Ferris

The Lost Kim Jong-Un And Other Canards About The Young General

A short time ago in many countries the mass media speculations about North Korean leader's whereabouts were in full swing. Kim Jong-un disappeared for 40 days and missed some serious events, including the...

Konstantin Asmolov

Azerbaijan: Subversion and the Possibility of Realignment

There is a perception among political observers who monitor the Caspian region that Azerbaijan is a staunch ally of the West, that its military and intelligence cooperation with the West, coupled with its reliance on Western...

Eric Draitser